Repair Cafe Totoro

Repair Cafe Totoro

please stop throwing away tons of stuff - let's repair or rebuild things together

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If you've ever were told by customer service that it would cost more to fix your bluetooth speaker, vacuum cleaner, toaster or computer than to just buy a new one, you are well acquainted with the concept of "planned obsolescence".

I started a repair cafe in Setagaya for hobby to provide people with a place to gather and work on repairing objects of everyday life, such as electronics, mechanical devices, computers, bicycles, and clothing. Looking for volunteers helping or donating their things so we can establish a NPO.

Already have lots of tools for you to fix your broken goods with the help of volunteers. We aim to reduce waste, overconsumption, and planned obsolescence. We can re-ignite the do-it-together and "do it yourself" spirit and strengthen social cohesion.

You may donate us small electronic items which do not work any more for repair or spare parts. We do not need things, but will give them to people who may need them or kids in the neighbourhood.

Created on 3/5/2023 6:34:29 PM
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