If you've ever were told by customer service that it would cost more to fix your bluetooth speaker, vacuum cleaner, toaster or computer than to just buy a new one, you are well acquainted with the concept of "planned obsolescence".
I started a repair cafe in Setagaya for hobby to provide people with a place to gather and work on repairing objects of everyday life, such as electronics, mechanical devices, computers, bicycles, and clothing. Looking for volunteers helping or donating their things so we can establish a NPO.
Already have lots of tools for you to fix your broken goods with the help of volunteers. We aim to reduce waste, overconsumption, and planned obsolescence. We can re-ignite the do-it-together and "do it yourself" spirit and strengthen social cohesion.
You may donate us small electronic items which do not work any more for repair or spare parts. We do not need things, but will give them to people who may need them or kids in the neighbourhood.
240 V hot water kettle had some contact problems
power delivery tests before using this outlet on my cousins sailing boat
remote control just had some contact problems
I do not recommend to use these old fashioned lamps any more, exchange bulb with LED chip
sound generator in a horse toy
lamp switch broken - switch replaced and lamp works
what you discover in some old lamps
cables inside too old - need to be replaced
found at my frieds home behind the kitchen shelf - NEVER use toaster and microwaver together on this
thread needed replacement
I built this controller before the age of microcontrollers
DIY power meter in box from 100 Yenshop
M5 Stick
Sodastream kann man selbst nachf?llen
just for fun - computer fan held in the wind of a ventilator can generate enough electricity to light up a LED
Lasercutter - layout for the light touch buttons in our home
Touch Lichtschalter hinter den Bildern
i like clocks that adjust time from internet - plug and play (what it should be like)
motor condensor
playing around with smart LEDs
PIR sensor lamp go a new bigger lithium ion battery - nigth lamps on the stairs
bottom weight of a floor lamp (inside)
DVD player, power supply needes new condensors
Aladins wonderlamp
Aladins Wunderlampe - der leuchtende Lambrusko
Aladins Wonderlamp driven by solar panel
Daniel schenkt mir sein altes Panel - erste Ladeschaltungen f?r die Mobiltelefone
Eigenbau einer LiFePo4 Batterie und Experimente
building a LiFePo4 battery
Boost Converter
mobile charger built from garbage parts, conneted to solar panel
touch switches
SSR solid state relay for home lamps
proximity sensor switch, defect power supply
wonderlamp bougth at a science museum - converted to japanese voltage.
got this table almost falling apart - first repairs on the structure
repaired and all works, but I dont need it. Free to a good home
was intended for garbage - just needed a litte soldering on the USB connector and all is OK again
lamp with radar sensor and several flickering LEDs driven by Adruino Nanao, cover made of a bento box from garbage
grid tie inverter, fuse needed replacement
radar sensor and LED strip inside a silicon container
this was a complicated signal . . .
will not reuse this - someone had cut the cable working outside with power tool
exchanging battery of cordless phone, back to life again
radar sensor lamp on the solar panel battery outside
funny clock
some Midi keyboad - had USB connection problems
some soldering action and it is back to life again
repaired but I do not need it - free to a good home
working full power
not needed surplus power from solar panel is burnt by this lamp
rocket style power lamp
Unsere Uhren h?ngen alle an ausgemusterten Handy-Ladeger?ten, nie wieder Batterien
Der zu niedrige B?rostuhl wird mit einem Ring "h?her gelegt"
the talking bottle opener
verdreckter PIR Sensor, Kondenswasser zieht Staub an
sensor lamp
pir sensor full of dirt
pir sensors get dirty inside, moisture and dust
talking beer bottle opener, contacts cleaned
Ikea Teelicht auf USB umgebaut
IKEA ligth rebuilt to work from USB Port
Uhr mit Glocke braucht eine strammere Feder, dann hallt es wieder sch?n
reuse of a "broken" LED Light bulb
rocket lamp
ESP32 boards sending sensor data to XAMPP homeserver
ASUS monitor power supply - you can detect the problem even from far away
watch the almost bursting capacitors, typical power supply problem
home automation switching experiments
defect condensors
die Netzteil Kondensatoren . . . wie fast immer
Gleichstrom SSR aus China das angeblich 150 Ampere aushalten kann . . . und trotz guter K?hlung schon bei 45 Ampere schmolz
Geschmolzenes Halbleiterrelais f?r Gleichstrom - hielt die Last nicht aus und man roch es nach einer Woche noch
power switching DC is a problem - this SSR from China was rated for 150A but burnt at 45 A
computer power supply inside
radio controlled clock - back to action
computer mouse button repaired inside
shaver needs some glue
thank you to Ken and Silvia for donating the panels from their sailing boat - they had travelled all the way around the world.
cnnectors had rotten in the salty seas of the caribbean - needed some resoldering
how to carry wine to a party
zig zag climbing road on mount Fuji
utakko / the singing doll had battery problems
JLB Speaker saved from garbage - put in a new lithium battery. GREAT sound ! ! !
salvaging lithium cells from a dyson battery
USB speaker - back to life. Free to a good home
user had forgotten her password
trying to reset windows password so she can recover her data
windows user is ADMIN now and PW is blank - so the user can finally access her old data
laptop too slow for Windows 10, but ok and fast with Linux
data recovery, took more than 24 hours . . .
data recovery
HDD shown als "healthy" still is JUNK
replancing laptop HDD
good sound - saved from garbage. Needed a little soldering and good to go
repairmans fridge
good solar weather
replacing laptop HDD
repair of a car power inverter, 12 V to 110 V
back to life again
lithum cells from old trashed vaio laptop
lamp needs some repair
inside and outside repair - back to life
boost converter
power bank repair
beautiful solar weather curve